Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Integrate the download manager winth chromium browser in linux

first, why the title is so specific...?
it's because that's is my fav envy on my machine
and i think with little tweak we can used in others.

the download manager i choose is fatrat. i use fatrat instead of wget or aria is because fat rat has build visual environment than the others. aria2 is great too but can fit with my 10"screen netbook 'n we must download the visual interface in separate way, besides that... i like aria2 more to specific download option.

chromium is linux version for google chome.

first step is install the download assistant extension

go to extension option and add this line

restart browser and we can just download the links/files to the browser context menu to
the download manager queue.

it's can be work with another download manager too.

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