Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Automate u're KOC Progress with script and GreaseMonkey

Greasemonkey is a firefox's plugin that designed to running mocros script for automate some particular web jobs.
there is some another plugin for provide macros script but we learn about greasemonkey.

in google chrome it's built-in default in the internal engine...
but for some cases we can't to run the macros.

ok... enough with prolog

let we start with practice...

1. download 'n install grasemonkey from firefox website or u can use add-on facility in tool menu.

for howto install the plugin please search in the net.

2. download 'n install macros scripts koc from this link

in this case... b'coz i just start to begin, so i use only the "build helper" and "koc toolkit". for the next level we can use "kocattack" to automate attack to attack barbarian/wilderness for example
n to install just click on install button on the web.

3. open u're koc 'n it will show like this

4. to add the upgrade schedule just click on the build button

'n then click "build mode" button until the button caption change to "build = on"

and then u can pickups the the items that u want to be upgrade.
and ended with click on button "build on" and changed to button "build = off"
To execute this schedule list is with click on the button "Auto Build = off" until changed to "Auto Build = On"

the capacity to upgrade is depend on the resources u have